
Chicken Coop

We've had our chickens since last May...and they have been free range all this time. But winter is coming...and this fall I've saved the gold chicken's life twice! Once from a coyote, and once from a hawk! And just the other day we found 12 little eggs in my garden!!! They are smaller than a golf ball...so cute! (Don't worry, we won't eat these...LOL)

So it was time to build a chicken coop...Hubby worked on this all day yesterday, and did a wonderful job!!! And this morning...I found one more egg! :) They must like it too!


KKJD1 said...

So cool! your coop looks great! I have to keep ours caged or the neighbors will shoot them.

PineyWoodsPrims~Dena said...

Hey Naomi!
I love the new look on your site. Very nice. I love the chicken coop too. Your little chicken is very lucky. lol. The other night we heard the chickens going crazy outside. We cut the light on and looked and there lay a red fox laying on the ground just watching them and listening. We shewed him off. He was beautiful though but I would rather have my chickens. lol. The little eggs are adorable too. Wasn't it exciting finding them? When I found the first eggs I was thrilled.
Well I best go again I love your site and will stop by more often I am sorry I havent lately.
Your boys are just adorable. I love his costume. You did great!
Have a wonderful blessed day.
Love the pumpkin ;O)

*Linda Pinda* said...

How wonderful... I'm so glad they've got their coop for the winter and you can rest a little knowing they are not so vulnerable to the other critters!

Hugs... *Linda*

Farmhouse Blessings said...

It's perfect, Naomi! Can you send me one? LOL I bet those girls are happy now. No more hawks. No more coyotes! I can hear them clucking contentedly from her.
