
Just for fun!!!

It's been a busy, but fun weekend! I made 3 aprons yesterday, here are 2 of them for you to take a peek at...
This one is very long...it goes almost all the way to my ankles...do you like my socks? :)
This one is my favorite...pink paisley trim with black felt...very soft.
This morning when I went out to feed the critters...I found this guy yelling at me...he was strutting his stuff.
Here is my oldest boy...getting his adult front teeth in...but did you notice he STILL has his baby front teeth too??? We've been calling him sharkboy...lol...he says he wants to keep ALL his teeth forever!!! LOL...it's one of the weirdest things I ever saw!
And if anyone knows my youngest...he is NOT an angel, but he is to me! :)
My LOVE cat whitto! :)

Here is whitto again...come on give him a BIG kiss!!!

1 comment:

Sweet Magnolias Farm said...

Hey Naomi ..Love your new aprons ..I guess it's the new thing now ..I have been in the process of creating some too ..

I love the ones you have designed !!

Haven't been over to the C&C class in a long while ..so busy with other things...

Just wanted to pop in and say Hi ..

Hey did you ever think of adding a Followers option to you blog ..I would love to add you to the blogs I follow.

Will Happy Easter ..

Hugs ..Sara of Sweet Magnolias Farm