
My poor kitty :(

My oldest cat Satie had to have surgery on his ear yesterday. He had a large Hematoma on it. He isn't a happy cat today...and it seems the swelling isn't going away, and he might have to go back to the vet t oday or tomorrow. He just turned 13 on Valentine's Day! He is my LOVE cat. :)

Also I just listed this chick doll on ebay starting at .99 cents!

And these crow tags were just listed on Etsy!

You can just click on the links over to the right at the top of this page----------->
Have a great weekend!!!

Especially my friend
Karen of Farmgirl'in GA. style who ALWAYS stops in to say "HI"...Thanks Karen! :)


KKJD1 said...

How sweet! Thanks Naomi! You made me smile! Hope Satie wont have to go back to the vet and will be feeling better soon. Love the chic I will have to keep a watch on him. Have a great afternoon! Blessings,Karen

KKJD1 said...

Good mornin! I have a question for you? I was wondering if you might mail the little easter chic first class mail. I know its a little cheaper. I am having to watch my p's and q's but would really like to get your cutie! Just let me know when you have a chance. Thanks! Karen

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

Poor kitty!!!!! Hope she's feeling better today! Love the chic!!!! Everything you make is so wonderful, Naomi! Keep up the good work! Cora